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Carpenter Bees
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Carpenter Bees

Xylocopa generally resemble bumble bees in size and somewhat in color, being black, metallic bluish or greenish black, or purplish blue. Some males have yellowish areas on the face. Both sexes may have pale or yellowish pubescence on the thorax, legs, or abdomen, but these hairs are not as abundant or as intensely colored as in bumble bees. Large carpenter bees are readily distinguished from bumble bees primarily by the absence of pubescence on the dorsum of the abdomen, which is somewhat shiny. They also lack a malar space (present in bumble bees), and the triangular second submarginal cell. The two species of Xylocopa which occur in Florida are the only species in the eastern United States, namely X. micans Lepeletier and X. virginica (Linnaeus).
-information provided by edis.ifas.ufl.edu
Dry, structural coniferous woods as nesting sites. Magnolia planks and deciduous woods used in fence railings. X. virginica selects nesting sites in well-lighted areas where the wood is not painted or covered with bark. Two generations per year with broods in February-March and during the summer. Bees were active from November to January and from April to summer.
-information provided by edis.ifas.ufl.edu

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