Removal | Yellow Jacket Removal | Wasp Removal |
Hornet Removal
Florida Bee Removal, Inc. for all of your buzzing
needs! Florida
Bee Removal, Inc. is a licensed
and insured company for your
protection. Be sure any company you hire for
bee or pest removal can show you credentials
including license and insurance. If they can
not, choose another company.
Please make
sure you hire a certified Pest Control Operator
(PCO) for your bee issues. Due to the ever
expanding presence of Africanized bees in Florida,
the state recommends a PCO for eradication of bees
in and around homes. The African honey bee
is considerably more defensive of the bee hive
than the European honey bee.
Bee Removal
Jacket Removal
Bee Removal |
Removal |
Removal |
& Honey Removal |
Bee Removal specializes in live removal and relocation of
bees in Naples.
In addition to bee removal (including Africanized
bees) we remove wasps, hornets, yellow jackets as
well as bee hive and honey removal. We are
licensed and insured and perform bee removal
service not only in Naples, but the entire state
of Florida. Call Florida Bee Removal whether
you need bee removal services, or perhaps you have
a bee swarm or yellow jacket nest on your property
and would just like additional information.
We have been in the bee removal business over 50
years and enjoy every bee removal adventure. You are never a bother to us, we love the phone to
buzz for bees!
If you are located in Florida,
you come into contact with bees. It's just a fact
of life. Sadly, you don't know if you're dealing
with aggressive bees or non-aggressive bees until
it's too late. At Florida Bee Removal, our experts
are highly qualified and properly trained in safe,
effective bee removal techniques. We offer
same-day service at a fair price.
When we can safely and
effectively perform it, Florida Bee Removal
prefers to practice live bee removal of the bee
hive if at all possible. When we have safely
removed the live bees from your property in
Naples, we turn
them over to a local beekeeper so they may be
safely managed. When we have safely
removed the live bees from your property we turn
them over to a local beekeeper so they may be
safely managed. Our goal is not to
exterminate bees, rather remove the danger of the
bees from your property and keep them in their
natural habitat so they can continue benefit our
evironment. Other stinging and aggressive
insects such as wasps and yellow jackets must be
exterminated and removed from the
We can extract established bee
hives from walls, chimneys, roofs, under sheds,
and other areas where bees like to build a hive.
Bees can easily fit into an area the size of a
pencil eraser. The bee removal process also
inlcudes finding the point of entry. Once we
have completed your bee removal process, we will
guarantee you will not have bees return to that
specific location.
Removal ~ Yellow Jacket Removal ~ Wasp Removal ~
Hornet Removal

Relocation of Wild Honey Bees
The State Of Florida has determined that
eradication of wild bees is the safest method of
Honey Bee control. However, there is no current
rule/law requiring feral bee colonies (Those
having no bee keeper) to be automatically killed.
When eradication is deemed necessary, licensed
pest control operators only are certified to apply
appropriate products onto a bee infestation.
The most comprehensive solution, to unwanted bee
hives, is to employ an entity skilled in
determining if a bee issue should be eradicated or
relocated. The entity should be both certified in
General Household Pest control and experienced in
apiculture (Honey bee expert ).
Relocation of a bee colony involves removal of
both bees and combs from one location ( deemed
unwanted or unsafe ) to a more desirable ( safer )
habitat. One must bee safe in this
procedure—being careful not to endanger people,
pets, and property. Relocation requires more time to
accomplish than eradication and therefore, demands
a higher fee. About three-fourths of relocated bee
colonies abscond ( swarm away ) soon after removal
from their original hive site. These absconders
could swarm to an undesirable
location—complicating matters
Bee pests and pathogens (germs) are a constant
threat to our Apian friends. In some areas of
Florida, Honey bee losses continue to escalate.
Rogue use of pesticides, exotic pests, and poor
bee keeping management threatens to further reduce
bee colony numbers. Less pollinators can
result in less food for man. Without sufficient
crop reproduction, we could be forced onto an
unsavory diet of carrots and potatoes. Food prices
would go out of sight. It is therefore important
to save bee colonies whenever possible.
honeybees can survive temperatures as high as 122
degrees F. However,
their survival depends upon an efficient HVAC crew
to remove excessive heat from their hives. A bee
colony employs ventilation and H2O evaporation to
accomplish necessary cooling of themselves and
their hive environment.
On hot summer days, AC bees arrange
themselves in a manner which promotes the flow of
air into and out of their home. When water is
present, in the colony, the airflow caries
calories of heat to the ambient air outside.
relocating bee colonies, this heat production must
be controlled. The bees should not be transferred
with combs and honey. Ventilation must also be
provided by hiving the colony in a container open
at the top and large enough to allow for ample
space between the individual insects. Cardboard
boxes are good for these types of honey bee
relocations. Never cram a bee colony into too
small a space.
Sting Operation uses mesh laundry bags to cover
the boxed bees.
They usually travel comfortably when placed in the
AC within the cab of our vehicles. An occasional
sprinkling of water helps cool a bee colony in
this—Bees-in-heat are stressed and easily
agitated. Let our bee removal specialists safely
and efficiently handle your problem bee issues.
a honeybee swarm will elect to construct its wax
net from a tree limb or upon a structure.
Exposed bee colonies exhibit unique issues not
usually found with bees in wall voids or
contained, unexposed to the elements.
Exposed bee colonies are more protective of their
nest since the beehive is very vulnerable to
predators, and honeycombs are subject to being
dislodged in high wind conditions.
honeybees often attack in large numbers, sensing
that surrounding people and animals have
threatened them. Many times, there will be
two issues to control-bees on the ground and bees
remaining on comb remnants in the tree or
honycombs, from exposed bee colonies, pose an
immediate danger. An Issue, such as this,
can be safely handled by contacting the
professionals with over 50 years experience -
Florida Bee Removal.
the 26th of June, 2017, a call was placed to
Florida Bee Removal by the Hendry County Sheriff's
Department. The deputy was requesting
assistance in extricating a 67 year old man from a
swarm of bees. The man was stung more than
100 times and needed to be removed from the bee
attack. The local fire department used foam
to disable teh swarm while they removed the victim
to safety.
most fire departments have procedures in place to
effectively deal with honeybee and wasp attacks.
However this has not always been the case.
About 10 years ago, some young boys were riding
dirt bikes near a bee yard in St Petersburg,
Florida. One of the riders slid into a
beehive, toppling it. Before emergency
services arrived, the boy was covered with mad
bees. The ambulance crew bravely rescued the
victim and they were also stung many times.
stings are painful. However, one sting can
be fatal to the 1-2% of victims who may experience
anaphylactic shock which can shut off breathing.
Others may be affected with excessive swelling or
local infection.
removal of nuisance or dangerous honeybee/wasp
issues, call upon Florida Bee Removal to attend to
your safety needs throughout Central and South
Bee Emergency Response Training is available
through UF/IFAS 850-674-8323 FIRE/RESCUE, AND LAW
ENFORCEMENT are encouraged to attend.
year looks to be especially busy for bee removal
calls. Please hire a licensed and insured
company for your bee removal, as bee swarms may be
agressive. This
unfortunate person in Florida already found
out how aggressive a bee swarm can be this year.
addition, please don't take it upon yourself to
remove the bees, as these
people were injured in April of 2015 while
being to close to a bee hive.
Bee removal or relocation
becomes necessary when bee swarms suddenly appear
on trees, in containers, or around structures.
Also, established bee colonies, with combs, need
removal when they interfere with normal human
the fall of 1962, several of us young lads
discovered honey bees, nesting high in a majestic
Hickory tree. We fabricated some protective
clothing and, with the aid of a cross-cut saw,
brought down the splintering tree along with the
bee colony. For several hours, there was a great
deal of befuddlement and misbehavior. Upon our
return, the following morning, the bee colony had
formed a swarm upon a tree limb. A gunney sac was
used to encase the bees and branch, upon which
they had landed. A local farmer bequeathed to us
an old weather-worn bee hive, in which we
introduced the swarm. We placed a pane of glass
under the telescopic lid of the hive body. This
made viewing safer as we watched honey bees store
nectar, pollen, and other provisions from late
fall plants.
As Indian Summer faded, the arrival of cold
weather caused the bees to become less active.
There was very little left to do other than to
snuggle with their honey. This adventure took
place over 50 years ago and, I assure you, the
pleasure of working with bees has increased over
the years.
Once again, it is early February. A brisk,
bracing breeze greets the fiery sunrise across the
Green Swamp. Blossoming red and golden Maples hum
with bee visitors stocking up on early provisions
of nectar and pollen. This bounty will soon be
followed by Florida Willows adding to the build-up
By February 15th, Florida Bee
Removal will be called upon to resolve bee swarm
issues from Orlando to Fort Lauderdale and within
the cities of Tampa Bay . The degree of
reproductive swarming will depend upon the success
of the late winter build-up. It is not unusual to
receive over 20 bee swarm concerns on a warm
mid-February afternoon.
are thousands of commercial bee colonies, now
placed in close proximity to millions of acres of
citrus. The nectar flow, from this source, often
drips from the trees and bees can be heard humming
among the blossoms. When the bee hives become
heavy, with stored honey and replete with
thousands of young worker bees, the issuance of
reproductive swarms may number in the hundreds.
bee swarms, if true to nature, will follow
observable behaviors: 1- approximately ˝ of bees
in a colony, along with the old queen, swarm away
to establish a new family; 2- The swarm alights
upon a plant or structure; 3- search bees
investigate and evaluate potential nesting sites;
4- a location is chosen and the bee swarm alights
near the portal of the selected void or space; 5-
the domestic crew does a final inspection; 6- the
bee swarm takes possession of the new home; 7-the
bees, full of honey, secrete beeswax and fashion
it into comb; 8- the old queen deposits eggs into
the comb until she is replaced due to declining
productivity; 9- field worker bees gather nectar,
pollen, propolis, and water; 10- nurse bees care
for developing brood and finally,
11- Florida Bee Removal is called to deal
with bees that are inconveniently located.
2015 was a busy year, Florida Bee Removal has been
able to invest in new technologies and has
improved its bee control procedures. We can be
Johnny-on-the-spot when called upon for both
routine and emergency bee service. We offer free
bee removal advice and free bee removal estimates.
Florida Bee Removal dba Apian Services is looking
forward to sharing your bee removal adventures in
marks the beginning of our 55th year in the
adventurous pursuit of bee removal and relocation.
I still remember well those indian summer days of
fall in North Carolina. Asters and
goldenrods lingered still along rural roadsides
and abundantly in meadows and on hillsides.
This rich floral display was the bees' final
banquet prior to winter. Drifting red and
yellow leaves would soon litter the forest floor
turning brown and crunching beneath our feet.
In Florida, bees work year-round storing tons of
honey and providing pollination of crops. In
late September, brazilian pepper trees bloom
profusely. This attracts beekeepers from
other states as well as local apiarists. In
the presence of thousands of bee hives, bee swarms
are apt to appear on any day. Bee swarms
take residence in structures, trees, and in
containers. Some of these are accessible
enough to relocate.
nectar produces yellow honecomb. The honey
itself has a bitter aftertaste but is excellent
for use in baked products. Since bees are
valuable to out survival, Florida bee removal
attempts to relocate honeybee colonies whenever
feasible when our customers call for bee removal
services. As our bee removal business has
been in our family for generations we are prepared
to take care of your bee removal issues both now
and in the future.
Bee Removal
honeybee populations were adversely affected this
period by several factors: loss of nectar
flow, storms, and exotic pests; to name a few.
These conditions contriuted to diminished bee
colony numbers which resulted in loss of income to
beekeepers depend upon spring honey flows to
bolster their investment income for the
year. 2017 was a failure for orange blossom
honey. Palmeto and gall berry sources did
not adequately produce in the late spring.
Much of the summer was devoted to recouping losses
by splitting bee colonies and the feeding of sugar
syrup and pollen supplements.
the height of a promising orange blossom season
(March-April) high winds descended upon the
Highland Ridge, dislodging blossoms from the
citrus trees. Hurricane Irma destroyed
nearly half of the bee colonies in Southwest
Florida, bringing with it high winds and intense
flooding. Honeybees suffered losses from
Little Hive Beetles, Tracheal Mites, Braula Fly,
and Foulbrood (both American and European).
majority of wild bee colonies are those which have
swarmed and relocated from commercial hives.
When bees and beekeeper suffer losses, the need
for bee removal services diminishes.
was below average for bee colony survival.
This was reflected in less bee removal for Florida
Bee Removal, Inc even though our Google listings
were promoted near the top of page 1 for most
Florida cities.
Winter Season..
Florida Bee Removal Adventures
have begun to diminish as an arctic cold front
sweeps across the United States.
Florida bee keepers will not feel the
effects of frigid weather as much as others.
This means that many migrant keepers of
bees will be wintering their hives here in central
and southern Florida.
Florida Bee Removal will continue to be
called upon for isolated bee and wasp issues for
which we are happy to respond to.
Bee colonies need ample honey
stores in order to overcome the cold of winter.
Bees radiate heat when they consume sufficient
honey. This radiant flow keeps their brood ( baby
bees ) warm as well as themselves. Bee keepers
often supply their colonies with sugar syrup when
honey supplies are low. Bees will freeze to death
when they run out of fuel.
bee removal activities slow down, an occasional
adventurous opportunity may present itself. I
recall such an event in the winter of 2011. U.S.
Sugar Corporation employed “The Bee Sting
Operation” to remove 20 bee hives from several
farm structures. The location was approx. 30
miles south of Clewiston, their headquarters. The
Bee team cut and exposed the bee colonies while
extracting a 55 gallon container of honey along
with about 100 pounds of honeybees.
On our way back north to Clewiston, we were
surrounded by thousands of
acres of sugar cane ripened beneath the
Florida sun. Overhead, a pair of eagles
soared and an osprey flew across a waterway
,sporting a fish in its talons. The team members
were inspired by the wild beauty of
this place as we celebrated our bee
adventure with a deep sense of accomplishment.
past winter season (2018) marks our 56th year of
honeybee culture. During these years,
thousands of bee colonies have been relocated from
trees, within structures, from containers, and a
myriad of other habitats. Our years of
association with bees and their keepers, have
provided a deep appreciation for the benefits that
honeybees deliver to us and our environment.
Florida, as January's cool wind meets the fiery
sunrise, the hardy maples offer an early feast of
rich pollen and nectar. February 2018 went
on record as one fo the mildest in history.
Bees relished the abundance of fragrant Florida
willows and oak pollen. As
a result, bee colony strength showed great
improvement from the previous year. March
presented with windy days of cooler
temperatures. However, there were periods of
warmth which contributed to nectar and pollen
is the season that is best suited for relocating
commercial beehives. Beekeepers move
thousands of hives to citrus groves, blueberry
fields, and various other crops.
Citizens calls for bee removal services aree
usually down during this time frame. In view of
positive honeybee buildup, feral bee swarms can be
expected to appear extensively during the summer
and fall. When feral swarms appear, Florida
Bee Removal is prepared to respond quickly for
safe relocation/removal.
removal and relocation is a professional craft;
learned by years of hands-on experience. The
ideal practicioner has training in how to
recognize structural voids, bee and wasp
identification, the proper use of bee control
methods, and a superior ability to interact with
Bee Removal (Apian Services) has over 50 years of
honeybee management experience. Our owner
first began relocating bee swarms at age 17 (1962)
- see history of bee removal on our website.
Our technicians receive on-going instruction on
best practices fro bee and wasp control.
Wasps are usually exposed but bees generally
prefer voids in trees, structures, and containers.
In many situations, honeybees can be safely
relocated to farms. Eradication is permitted
when unwanted races of bees are encountered.
Live bee removal is allowed and preferred by
Florida Bee Removal.
Services is available 24/7. Our office staff
is courteous and knowledgable on bee and other
stinging insect issues. Feel free to call us
for a consultation or bee removal service
anytime. We are a family business offering
career opportunities to any wishing to make bee
removal and relocation their life's pursuit.
are in the process of training our youngest
grandson, Luca. We are working fervently to
have Luca prepared to handle your bee issues by
2036. In the meanwhile, call our current
team of bee professionals for all of your bee
removal issues.
& Stinging Insect Removal
cities surrounding Tampa Bay have a large
population of bees, yellowjackets, and wasps.
These stinging insects are valuable to our
ecosysytem. Problems exists when they invade
human habitations and their property. Each
bee and wasp project calls for a custom evaluation
and remedy. However, removal and relocation
is the most desirable method of control.
(wasps) construct paper nests, most often along
the eaves of buildings and in shrubbery.
However one particular species, polistes
annularis, prefers the shade of tree branches
overhanging Florida rivers and streams. In
the summer of 2002, our bee specialists took a
trip down the Rainbow River in search of these
wasps. Soon after launching from K.P. Hole,
hundreds of wasp nests were sighted. Us, bee
and wasp removers, we were considering harvesting
some of these specimens for use in anti venom
therapy. Since we had not bought our removal
and relocation equipment, harvesting was delayed
for a future adventure. It appears likely,
that a river traveler would encounter stings from
these wasps.